National Macadamia Nut Day

National Macadamia Nut DayNational Macadamia Nut Day

Celebrate this ancient Australian treasure on September 4th for National Macadamia Nut Day. First discovered by Aboriginal peoples over 1,000 years ago in Australia’s rainforests, the macadamia nut comes from a type of tree that has four distinct species, all of which produce edible nuts. 

The macadamia made its way to Europe in 1828 still having yet to be given a name in English, which would come some 29 years later when the name macadamia was applied to honor Scottish-Australian chemist and politician John Macadam. 

Macadamia trees were soon planted in Hawaii as a means to shield valuable sugar cane fields from the unimpeded island winds. While this initial protective planting took place in 1882, the first commercial macadamia nut orchards weren’t planted in Hawaii until 1921. 

Even still, the nut is quite the delicacy so be sure to treat yourself to this delectable nut for National Macadamia Nut Day on September 4th.

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