National Cherry Day

National Cherry DayNational Cherry Day

The options are endless as there are so many ways to celebrate National Cherry Day on July 16th. Cherries are packed with beneficial nutrients as well as antioxidants. They even have anti-inflamatory properties that make them a time honored treatment for inflamatory conditions like gout and osteoarthritis. 

Sweet cherries are said to have originally come from Asia and were transported across the continent to Europe by migratory birds. The Greeks were the first to cultivate cherries, a practice that was soon picked up by the Romans and later dispersed throughout its empire.  

The tiny tree fruit eventually made its way to North America in the 1600s when the were brought over and cultivated by English colonists. Modern production of cherries began in 1852 with the Peter Dougherty’s planting of a great number of trees on the Old Mission Peninsula in Michigan and commercial production soon followed in 1893. 

Since then, cherry trees have spread across the U.S. and Canada and the number of cherry recipes has continued to grow. Currently, the U.S. produces over 650 million pounds of cherries every year.

Cherry pie, cherry turnovers, cherry jam, cherry ice cream, whatever way you want to enjoy them, be sure to have some of these power packed delights on July 16th for National Cherry Day.

Contact us today to spice up your next product with that little extra kick of flavor!

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