Variety of Alcohol-Free Products
A preference for low and non-alcoholic beverages has been a growing trend for quite some time. Spurred on by millennials and Gen Z'ers, the reasons for not indulging vary widely, such as cost, health, religion, and even just comfort.
What is Natural Flavor?
The term natural flavor applies to any flavor that is made from plant or animal sources, but extracting those flavors is not always as simple as pressing oil from an orange peel or grinding a mix of herbs and spices. 
Condiment Obsessions
Condiments are so much more than just sauces. Don’t believe it? Just try to order a hotdog with ketchup in Chicago. The way we dress our food has cultural roots that often become traditions, some of which, every so often, become sensations. 
Creating Coffee Flavors
Creating Coffee Flavors Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. More than 150 million bags of coffee are consumed across the globe ...
Understanding Cannabis Terpenes
As the legalization of cannabis spreads and allows the industry to grow, it’s imperative that cannabis knowledge grows and spreads with it. One of the key components of cannabis, its flavor, scent, and effects are a group of aromatic compounds called terpenes.  

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