National Yorkshire Pudding Day
National Yorkshire Pudding Day
Get ready to celebrate the long history of this mouth-watering savory pastry on October 13th for National Yorkshire Pudding Day.
While the name makes the dish sound like a dessert, it is actually a folded pastry, like a popover, made with meat drippings. It’s usually paired with the roasted meat that was cooked to provide the drippings and topped with gravy.
The recipe originated in England sometime around the late 1600s or early 1700s. One of the first published recipes, called a dripping pudding, dates back to 1737, published in The Whole Duty of a Woman. A decade later, a similar recipe was published in The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy where the author, Hannah Glasse, coined the term Yorkshire Pudding.
The term grew to apply to almost all variations of these dripping-style puddings until 2008 when the Royal Society of Chemistry stepped in to stipulate that a Yorkshire pudding had to be at least 4 inches tall, a stab at puddings made in the altitudes of American mountain ranges that struggle to rise in the thinned atmosphere.
Whether you fill your pastry with meat, cheese, or even fruits and chocolate, be sure to fill your plate and savor this traditional English dish for National Yorkshire Pudding Day on October 13th.